Bitcoin Exchange Binance Announces It Has Delisted Many Altcoin Trading Pairs from Margin Trading!
Binance has announced that it plans to remove some margin trading pairs from its platform on December 11, 2024, at 09:00.
Binance to Delist Multiple Margin Trading Pairs in December
This decision impacts both Cross Margin and Isolated Margin trading options and follows Binance’s regular review of trading offers to align with market demand and operational efficiency.
Margin Trading Pairs Affected
Cross Margin Pairs
Isolated Margin Pairs
Important Dates and Changes
Users cannot transfer assets of listed pairs to their Isolated Collateral accounts via manual transfers or Automatic Transfer Mode. However, users with outstanding liabilities for these pairs can manually transfer funds equivalent to their liabilities (excluding existing collateral).
December 4, 2024, 09:00: Isolated margin borrowing will be suspended for affected pairs.
All positions will be closed. Automatic reconciliations will be performed. Cancel all pending orders for delisted pairs. Remove these pairs from Cross and Isolated Margin trading.
Binance strongly recommends users to close their positions and transfer their assets from Margin Wallets to Spot Wallets before the trading halt.
During the delisting process, users will not be able to adjust their positions. Binance emphasizes that it will not be responsible for any possible losses resulting from the delisting.
The affected tokens will continue to be tradable on other pairs available on Binance Margin and Spot Market, ensuring continued liquidity for users.
This move is part of Binance’s ongoing efforts to optimize its trading environment and better serve its global user base.
*This is not investment advice.